Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Year, New Resolutions

I know you're supposed to make your New Year's resolutions early enough that you can have stated them and begun ignoring them by January 2nd, but after a splendid few days in Pittsburgh seeing the lovely and talented Julie and the early return to school (seriously, what university starts on the 4th?) I never quite got around to it. So I'll do it now. Now, as someone who once questioned the wisdom of 16 year old girls who laid out their lives in excruciating details on the web, I can understand that you, my non-existant readers, would be curious as to why I'd post this, or why you should care. The reality is that you probably shouldn't, but in compiling this list I've been forced to really consider what issues are pressing and, by putting it out here, I'll hopefully add some tangibility to the obligation. So, my New Year's resolutions are:

1. See Julie lots more. I'm not sure the importance of this need can be properly described but I need to work on ensuring that minor obstacles don't derail us seeing each with increasing regularity. The few days I was in Pittsburgh really reinforced how great a person she is and how much I enjoy the thought of spending the rest of my life with her. I'm truly a luck man.

2. Find a rocking internship. My post-law school job search made crystal clear my error in not seeking out practical experience before graduation. Employers are simply not willing to hire somebody based solely on their academic merits, regardless of the caliber of those merits. As I'll be finishing school just four months after my summer internship ends, finding one that opens potential career paths is another critical facet.

3. Rediscover my creativity. Somewhere along the way during the past six years I seem to have lost it. It could have occurred while slaving away in law school, during the frustrating year that I loaded semi trucks while looking for a job, or even earlier when my friends were displaced by a prima donna and her self-absorbed actor friends, but I'm not sure where it is anymore. Gone is the drive to sit down and write, replaced instead by the drive straight to the couch. And this at a time when Time declares "us" to be the person of the year due to "our" redoubled creative efforts facilitated by the accessability of new technologies of production and distribution.

Those would be the big three that have the potential of causing the greatest sea change in my current condition, though I do have the requisite number of typical goals - get back to the gym at least 3 days a week, drop another 2o lbs., get Muddflek to level 60, etc. Ok, maybe that last one isn't exactly typical outside of the geekosphere, but I think you get the idea.

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