Monday, April 24, 2006

Say Hello to my Leedle Friend

Yeah, cheesy title, I know. But, it needed to be used at least once.

So, after tinkering with this figure for the last two months (honestly, I was making steady but slow progress the whole time) and a considerable amount of butt-kicking by Julie, I present to you my latest painted figure: a Grey Knight space marine in Terminator Armor.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the figure consists of the body of a classic Grey Knight Terminator model which I've had lying around since I started playing 40K with arms from one of the recently resculpted Grey Knight Terminators. Though the new figures' weapons have a different configuration to the old, I rather like the way they add some bulk to the figure and make him more imposing than the original.

Though you can only somewhat see it in these pictures, I'm particularly pleased with the way the based came out. Built out of layered plasticard, it took more effort than any previous basing attempt. But, I think the results speak volumes for the merits of such an endeavor.

This is a closeup shot of the Nemesis sword. It's my first attempt at duplicating Tom Schadle's style ( and while I'm generally please with how it came out, it's obvious that i have a lot of work ahead of me yet. It was also a great lesson in just trying to paint a darn straight line which I'm finding my twitchy X-Box afflicted hands are none to skilled at.

All in all, I've got to say that I have really enjoyed painting Jolie and this figure. I've taken far longer on each than I ever have before and it's made the whole process somewhat therapeutic. A far cry from the feverish marathons that I often subjected myself to pre-convention. Of course, the mountain of bare pewter strewn about my painting desk is a distinct reminder that I don't have the luxury to paint at this pace if I'm to make a dent in my collection. Thus, I'll be reversing gears on my next project and assembly line painting 13 Bauhaus Hussars for Warzone. I'll get initial pics up once they've been cleaned and based.

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